How to Undo


The Challenge:

Help The Home Depot empower new DIYers to undo their mistakes and complete their unfinished projects with engaging video content.

Trade School was tasked with creating an episodic series of long-form organic video content that could stand on it’s own.


The Idea:

You can find a how-to video for just about anything. But for a novice DIYer, it’s pretty easy to goof something up while watching a stodgy and prescriptive video. Leaving them with a half finished project, and no place to learn how to undo their mistake.

How to Undo was created to fill that gap. This series would deliver helpful how-to’s that were approachable, fun, and easy-to-watch. The Trade School team partnered with influencer Mike Montgomery from Modern Builds and created entertaining content that actually helped correct common DIY mishaps.


Case Study


The Project:

The first season was a success, so we were tasked with creating two more seasons. The goal was to go bigger and better, with longer episodes and even more complex fixes.

This is where I came in, taking over the team and pushing the new seasons to be more entertaining and informative. We shot at Trade School Studios and used our in house production team. In just 11 days we captured 12 full episodes filled with fast-paced fixes and engaging information that empowers new DIYers to get back to doing. After all, if something goes wrong, we can just undo it.


How to Undo at Home:

We wanted to keep the momentum going while seasons 2 & 3 were in production, so we created the “at home” edition.

This four episode mini-series was developed collaboratively but filmed by Mike at his home with a smaller production footprint. We took over editing, graphics and finishing to get these in market fast.


Team Project



Georgia (the good-est Dog)

My Role :

Creative Director with hands on oversight for How to Undo at Home, Season 2, and Season 3. From Episode content concepting to launch.


Smokehouse Returns


Nox Godess of Night